Embossed PVC sheets

Author : الناز زائری

study time : Minutes

02Jan2024|06: 09

Embossed PVC sheets

Today, embossed PVC sheets are widely used in various industries. Due to their excellent properties, these sheets are a more suitable option than other materials such as MDF for furniture making, cabinet making, bathroom decoration, etc.

To learn about the embossing process and the benefits of using these sheets, we suggest that you follow this article until the end.

What does embossing mean?

Embossing means turning a flat surface into a patterned surface. Embossing creates embossed and three-dimensional patterns on smooth surfaces through the pressing process using direct heat at high pressure. In fact, for embossing PVC sheets, first the desired sheet is heated and then the desired design is created by pressing the mold on it.


Embossed PVC sheets

Advantages of embossed PVC sheets:

Among the advantages of these sheets, the following can be mentioned:

  • Has diverse designs
  • Easy to install
  • Being waterproof
  • High thermal resistance
  • Light weight
  • Resistant to insect penetration
  • Environmentally friendly because it is free from common toxins such as formaldehyde and lead
  • The possibility of printing textures and colorful designs
  • Create beautiful texture and design on different surfaces

Application of embossed PVC sheets in different industries:

Embossed sheets are used as a decorative product in a wide range of industries. These sheets have the mentioned advantages, especially the property of being waterproofare used in the manufacture and production of products such as: bathroom vanities, kitchen cabinets, closets and shelves are used in swimming pools and saunas. Other applications of embossed PVC sheets include making advertising billboards, wall coverings and furniture.


The Application of embossing in the production of washcloths


The price of embossed PVC sheets:

The price of embossed PVC sheets depends on several factors. Among these factors, we can mention the price of raw materials, production rate, currency price fluctuations, etc. According to the mentioned items, if you buy from the Producer, the final price of this product will be much more suitable.

The luxcabin factory is able to responsiveness the needs of dear customers in the field of cabinet production by producing embossed PVC sheets in more than 10 different designs in thicknesses of 16 and 18 mils with high quality. To order all designs and models of 16 mil emboss sheets and 18 mil emboss sheets produced by Luxcabin Industrial Group, you can contact our colleagues in the sales and trading department.

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